
Born in Houston, Texas and attended public schools there.


  • George Washington University, Washington, D.C., A.B. Painting and Drawing, 1966
  • College of William and Mary, Williamsburg, VA, M.A. Museum Education, 1986
  • University of West Florida, Pensacola, FL, Art Education Teaching Certificate, 1992
  • Texas A&M Corpus Christi, Corpus Christi, TX, Printmaking, 1993
  • Southwest School of Art, San Antonio, TX, Printmaking and Papermaking, 1996-2006
  • Studied painting with Alberto Mijangos, San Antonio, 2005-2007

Solo Exhibitions

2018Transcending the Landscape, paintings, Fort Worth Community Arts Center, Ft. Worth, TX
2017Transcending the Landscape, paintings, Tropicana hotel, San Antonio, TX
2015Tree of Lifesavers, monoprints, BSB EMS Station 3, Bulverde TX
2007Symbiotic Powers, paintings, mixed media, Drink, San Antonio, TX
2004Then and Now, prints and drawings, Enchilada Warehouse, San Antonio TX

Group Exhibitions

2018Common Currents, mixed media on handmade paper, Southwest School of Art, San Antonio, TX
2017-1997Small Scale Works for a Greater Cause Invitational, prints and mixed media, Say Si, San Antonio, TX
2016Pinwheels for Hope, painting on pinwheel, University Health Center, San Antonio, TX
2014New Works, drawings and etchings, Liza Williams Gallery, Santa Fe, NM
201410th Anniversary Say Si Mentors, Jim LaVilla- Havelin, curator, mixed media, Southwest School of Art, San Antonio, TX
2013Artist’s Books, artist books handmade paper and prints, Liza Williams Gallery, Santa Fe, NM
2011Opening, mixed media and prints, Liza Williams Gallery, Santa Fe, NM
2010Art On The Hill, watercolors, Tobin Hill Art Alliance, San Antonio, TX
2009Open Studio, paintings and prints, New Fawn, Bulverde, TX
200640th Annual Drawing National Show, Linda Secklinger, juror, drawing, Del Mar College,      Corpus Christi, TX
2006Where the Word Things Grow, Jim LaVilla-Havelin, juror, mixed media, Central Library, San Antonio, TX
2004Dard Hunter Papermakers in Print, Kathy Armstrong-Gillis and Beck Whitehead, jurors, collagraphs, Ursuline Gallery, San Antonio, TX
2003With or Without Words, Beck Whitehead, juror, cast paper book, Textures Gallery, San Antonio, TX
2001Art Appetit, Angelika Brown, juror, handmade paper, Southwest School of Art, San Antonio, TX
2001All School Exhibit, handmade paper, Southwest School of Art, San Antonio, TX
2000Sunny Days, Starry Nights, Larry Speck and Kathryn Brimberry, jurors, prints on handmade paper, Dell Community Center, Austin, TX


2015Judy, acrylic, glass gold leaf on canvas, Bulverde, Texas


2012Studio Visit  – Open Studio Press, Volume 18, Steven Zevitas, Publisher
2012The Art Lovers’ Cookbook San Antonio – art curator, SRC Publishing, Newport Beach, CA


1998-2012Southwest School of Art, San Antonio, TX – Young Artists Program
1996-2006Southwest School of Art, San Antonio, TX – Papermaking
2006San Antonio Calligraphers Guild, San Antonio, TX – using handmade paper
2000Say Si, San Antonio, TX – Printmaking
1998Say Si, San Antonio, TX – Printmaking
1992Bruner Middle School, Ft Walton Beach, FL – Art