Born in Houston, Texas and attended public schools there.
- George Washington University, Washington, D.C., A.B. Painting and Drawing, 1966
- College of William and Mary, Williamsburg, VA, M.A. Museum Education, 1986
- University of West Florida, Pensacola, FL, Art Education Teaching Certificate, 1992
- Texas A&M Corpus Christi, Corpus Christi, TX, Printmaking, 1993
- Southwest School of Art, San Antonio, TX, Printmaking and Papermaking, 1996-2006
- Studied painting with Alberto Mijangos, San Antonio, 2005-2007
Solo Exhibitions
2018 | Transcending the Landscape, paintings, Fort Worth Community Arts Center, Ft. Worth, TX |
2017 | Transcending the Landscape, paintings, Tropicana hotel, San Antonio, TX |
2015 | Tree of Lifesavers, monoprints, BSB EMS Station 3, Bulverde TX |
2007 | Symbiotic Powers, paintings, mixed media, Drink, San Antonio, TX |
2004 | Then and Now, prints and drawings, Enchilada Warehouse, San Antonio TX |
Group Exhibitions
2018 | Common Currents, mixed media on handmade paper, Southwest School of Art, San Antonio, TX |
2017-1997 | Small Scale Works for a Greater Cause Invitational, prints and mixed media, Say Si, San Antonio, TX |
2016 | Pinwheels for Hope, painting on pinwheel, University Health Center, San Antonio, TX |
2014 | New Works, drawings and etchings, Liza Williams Gallery, Santa Fe, NM |
2014 | 10th Anniversary Say Si Mentors, Jim LaVilla- Havelin, curator, mixed media, Southwest School of Art, San Antonio, TX |
2013 | Artist’s Books, artist books handmade paper and prints, Liza Williams Gallery, Santa Fe, NM |
2011 | Opening, mixed media and prints, Liza Williams Gallery, Santa Fe, NM |
2010 | Art On The Hill, watercolors, Tobin Hill Art Alliance, San Antonio, TX |
2009 | Open Studio, paintings and prints, New Fawn, Bulverde, TX |
2006 | 40th Annual Drawing National Show, Linda Secklinger, juror, drawing, Del Mar College, Corpus Christi, TX |
2006 | Where the Word Things Grow, Jim LaVilla-Havelin, juror, mixed media, Central Library, San Antonio, TX |
2004 | Dard Hunter Papermakers in Print, Kathy Armstrong-Gillis and Beck Whitehead, jurors, collagraphs, Ursuline Gallery, San Antonio, TX |
2003 | With or Without Words, Beck Whitehead, juror, cast paper book, Textures Gallery, San Antonio, TX |
2001 | Art Appetit, Angelika Brown, juror, handmade paper, Southwest School of Art, San Antonio, TX |
2001 | All School Exhibit, handmade paper, Southwest School of Art, San Antonio, TX |
2000 | Sunny Days, Starry Nights, Larry Speck and Kathryn Brimberry, jurors, prints on handmade paper, Dell Community Center, Austin, TX |
2015 | Judy, acrylic, glass gold leaf on canvas, Bulverde, Texas |
2012 | Studio Visit – Open Studio Press, Volume 18, Steven Zevitas, Publisher |
2012 | The Art Lovers’ Cookbook San Antonio – art curator, SRC Publishing, Newport Beach, CA |
1998-2012 | Southwest School of Art, San Antonio, TX – Young Artists Program |
1996-2006 | Southwest School of Art, San Antonio, TX – Papermaking |
2006 | San Antonio Calligraphers Guild, San Antonio, TX – using handmade paper |
2000 | Say Si, San Antonio, TX – Printmaking |
1998 | Say Si, San Antonio, TX – Printmaking |
1992 | Bruner Middle School, Ft Walton Beach, FL – Art |